




Initializing canvas, please wait…

How does it work?

Click "start" to start/stop the renderer, and use the settings panel to configure it.

  • Increasing the number of web workers will speed up the render; 16 is a good number for most modern machines
  • The higher the sequence iteration limit, the more detailed the image will be. Render time increases significantly as the sequence iteration limit increases
  • Change the color of the image with the RGB fields

With the default settings, you should let the renderer run for ten to fifteen minutes to get a high-quality image.

What is a buddhabrot?

A buddhabrot (so-called because of its resemblance to depictions of Gautama Buddha in art) is a computer-generated image rendered by plotting points that are not part of the Mandelbrot set on the complex plane. You can read more about the image itself here. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Pick a point at random from the region of the complex plane being rendered into
  2. Using the random complex number chosen as c in the sequence z(n + 1) = z(n)^2 + c, calculate sequence members until one of the following happens:
    • One of the generated sequence members falls outside of a predetermined region on the complex plane
    • A maximum number of sequence members are calculated without any of them falling outside of the region
  3. If the sequence did escape the region on the complex plane, all generated sequence members are plotted on a density plot
  4. An image is rendered from the density plot, with each pixel representing a cell in the density plot (brighter pixels indicate a higher density)